Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only in Los Angeles

Out on the town to do a little work "remotely" -I sit here and hack away at the keyboard in a Starbucks in Marina Del Rey - not near anything, other than being across the street from the water.
But - only in L.A.:
I wait in line for my coffee behind John Laroquette (for those of you having trouble placing the name - think - Night Court).

Later, as I sit and type, the regular parade of soccer moms, foreign tourists and dot-com business folks having "meetings" goes by.
Jeremy Piven runs in for a little java.

And, to cap it - I watch as a guy randomly walks up to a (much younger) girl and start up a half-hour conversation. I hear fragments of chatter that include: "representation," "agencies," "portfolio," "SAG," etc. Business cards are exchanged.

Only in LA....