Monday, April 17, 2006

Tax Season Finale

Tax season is finally over! While that is reason enough to rejoice, it also means that now planning for the trip goes into full swing.

The most obvious roadblock is that neither Jen nor I had valid passports! This is a problem! So, a few trips to some sites online (Thanks Kel), and a couple FedEx's later, our paperwork is in process as of today, and we should have new passports by the end of the week.

We also met with Sandie, to get a better idea of where to go and how our actual physical travel was going to take place. She has recommended the transfer from airport to hotel, so we'll actually get the guy standing in the airport in Rome, with a sign in his hands, waiting to whisk us off... Now that I think about it: "Haarmann" or "Viner".....? Hmmmmmm...... I guess we'll have to look for both!