Monday, July 24, 2006

A Dry Heat

Ok - I admit it. I might be losing this battle.
When I left for the office this morning, it was 85 degrees.
I'm the first to say - damn the weather, its just a little (heat/rain/pestilence/hail/whatever)... but this weekend may have shown me who's boss.

After a visit to a baseball game, where the on-screen stats indicated a sultry 109 degrees... to a concert at the Hollywood Bowl, that cooled to a brisk 84 degree, I pretty much spent the last 72 hours in search of the next source of hydration and a napkin-sized patch of shade.

We have been having weather of bibilical proportions. I recognize that most of the country has had their share of heatstroke and power failures - but that's all well and good to watch on CNN. But when my newspaper might spontaneously combust on the doors step, its time for action!

I think I did this all wrong. It makes much more sense to simply mix up a nice pitcher of mojitos, pull up a chair next to the pool and work on that tan for a while.

If you can't beat the weather, might as well enjoy it.