Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Sun will come out...

Today - The sun came out.
A great way to start the day. We adventured out without the benefit of jackets. VERY brisk out, but we braved it.

Breakfast at a small coffee place near the hotel. A small taste of Italy again - strong coffee and croissants. Just a bite to get out on the day.

Headed down the street to some more museums. Because the weather's better, we stayed above ground. First - the Victoria and Albert Museum. Eclectic collection of everything from historic ironworking to armor to hand painted bible pages, etc. On our way out, we passed through the fashion exhibit (not armor and bustles, but Versace, Lauren, etc).

Another couple buildings down, we visited the Science Museum - Stellar exhibits over 5 floors. V2 rockets, napoleon's tootbrush and Washington's dentures, and motion simulation rides.

Art, architecture, history and science - Its been quite a trip. Certainly instructive. Perhaps something we will take with us.

We ALMOST made it back before the rain started. We had a hurried, amused jog back the last block and a half or so, as it began to rain. Oh well. We enjoyed the day while we could!

Tonight's pretty unplanned - no restaurant reservations. We're probably going to hit a pub (perhaps for another fish and chips! Tommorow's an early night. Heading to the airport early to take care of paperwork and making sure we're in the right place at the right time. That means packing this evening. Already set up a taxi to Heathrow.
We considered taking the Tube to the airport - which is definitely possible, but once again stymied by the luggage size. There are several areas which involve stairs, and running around in the face of a 12 hour flight doesn't sound like a good plan. We'll add that to the list of things we could do on another trip. Now that I think of it, it probably would have been possible to do that upon arrival! But, we weren't sophisticated riders in the Underground quite yet.

All a good learning experience.
If there's any news fit to print this evening (early AM and afternoon in the States), we'll update you before departure tommorow morning. Otherwise, if not - See you on the other side of the Pond!



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